Eurhodip News

Congratulations to Vatel Istanbul !

Congratulations to Vatel Istanbul !

 MADRID 6th of November of 2019Dear Friends,I still have the good feelings of the 26th EURHODIP Congress in Istanbul. It's 30 years of meetings. Once again, I congratulate all the participants and in a special way Ali Dogan Çamak and his team from Vatel...

2017 International Competition of Culinary Arts in Portugal

2017 International Competition of Culinary Arts in Portugal

From 3rd to 5th May 2017 in  Escola do Turismo de Portugal do Algarve (Faro). The first international culinary challenge jointly organized by the schools of Turismo de Portugal and Eurhodip on Mediterranean Diet. The contest is intended for students of  Eurhodip...

2017 conference in Seville (Spain)

2017 conference in Seville (Spain)

Reading View. Alt Shift A for Accessibility Help. From 26 to 29 October 2017 On the theme: Patrimonial and Cultural Tourism – New models of business for the 21st century For more information please visit:

Seville Eurhodip Congress – Press Note

Seville Eurhodip Congress – Press Note

Seville, October 26th, 2017 This association gathered the general assembly of EURHODIP at the headquarters of the Cajasol Foundation, Plaza San Francisco 1, Seville, Spain, and held the election for the new president for the next 3 year term. This was a unanimously...